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    Wizard - Thor
    1. Utgard (False Games)

    "This cat I will lift up from the ground
    Is there no harder quest you give?
    If this beast is bound by spells around
    No one of you will live!"
    The cat he grabbed and lifted high
    But long and longer it now got
    He was struggling with the loudest cry
    Until a foot was lifted, not a lot
    Loki fought against the fire
    Thjalfi ran against a thought
    No one ever lift the serpent higher
    Against the ages all draw short

    Utgard, Utgard, Utgard

    The rage filled Thor and he did claim
    To get another task to see
    He danced with Elli and for his own shame
    Was forced down to his knee
    Now dirty tricks where all revealed
    By magic they where fooled
    Now as they leave the playing field
    They know the way this games where ruled

    2. Mudguard's Guardian

    "First drops of the rain come down
    Hurry home my child
    The hammer swinger rides alone
    His goats are gazing wild"
    Protecting us from giant hordes
    His hammer flies in rage
    Destroying all the giant Lords
    From now they will not age

    Kill the troll is what he will
    He hurries to the place
    Goats are running, Hammer kill
    Lightning shows his face

    "Come on my child, we have to leave
    Protector's passing by
    Find shelter from the giants grieve
    Redbeard's flying high"
    A war cry scatters enemies
    The giants live in fear
    Mudguard's Rivers, Hills and trees
    Are well guarded far and near

    3. Asgard

    See the shining place,
    high in eternal space.
    Across Heimdall's bridge
    you have to go.
    Unreachable for you and me.
    We will never see
    the home of the gods.
    This holy land.

    Asgard, Asgard.
    The home of the Gods
    Asgard, Asgard
    This holy land

    Built with giants power.
    In the center Odin's tower.
    A stronghold tall.
    But one day it will fall.
    When giants are running,
    Suturs flames are coming.
    The gods will face
    their destiny.

    4. Serpents Venom

    Wolf gets loose and giants run
    The worlds will burn in war
    The final fight, it has begun
    Nagelfar on Asgard's shore
    The army of the giants rise
    With Loki leading them
    Odin's brother chose his side
    Brings death to gods and men
    The forces clash on Vigrids fields
    In the longest winter time
    Sword and axes, spears and shields
    Kill trolls as well as lords divine

    The serpent the serpent venom
    The serpent meets the mighty Thor
    They fight intense and hard
    The serpent the serpent venom

    Nine steps he takes before he falls
    The mighty friend of ours
    Both are dead and fortune calls
    Prevail will all his powers!
    Lying on the field he'll be
    His life will go in fight
    Just like the way I wish for me
    Unforgotten shining bright!

    The serpent the serpent venom
    Loki's child falls with a roar
    But venom catches Thor off guard!
    The serpent the serpent venom

    5. Resurrection

    Is it all gone when
    the worlds have burned?
    Who will be then
    There when fate has turned?
    Strongest god he fought so well
    But time comes to us all
    Thor is not afraid of hell
    One day anyone will fall
    A new world will arise
    From ashes and remains
    Take a look, open your eyes
    Destroyed will be the chains

    of Thor's Hammer
    in the time
    of the golden dawn.

    Both Thor's sons have survived
    Hammer's back, prevails
    The new world now will thrive
    Never will forget the tales
    An end is always carrying
    The seed of a new start
    Just take a look at everything
    Old and new not far apart
    An end has come to Yggdrasil
    All worlds are burned away
    A golden time, oh don't you feel
    Will follow up that day!

    6. The Visitor

    "Who is this mighty man outside
    The one who killed the trolls?
    Will he be staying here tonight
    Or turning where the thunder rolls?"

    "The thunder rolls whereever I travel on my way
    Tonight I will be here don't cry
    Save you are to stay"

    "You are a lord that I can see
    A god you are as well
    What is your mighty name to be?
    This you're bound to tell"

    "I'm Thor, the mighty god
    The lord of rain and storm
    Now build a fire
    For feast it shall be warm"

    "There is no feast we have no meat
    My lord, I am afraid to say
    Hunger will be in our seat
    There is no feast today"

    "My goat will give a live for all
    So we have all we need
    I'll kill it now, a roast, I call
    my friend, for us you'll bleed
    Don't break a bone of him tonight
    Not the smallest one you'll harm
    If you do, you little wight
    The mighty Thor will not be calm"

    "Delicious is the meal for us
    The marrow I would greed
    I'll break a little bone and thus
    fullfill my baneful need"
    The mighty Thor revived his friend
    In the morning with his hammer
    To bring him to the Aesirs land
    In the used and wonted manner

    "Who broke his leg the night before?
    I told you not to do
    I told you what will be afore
    My rage now comes to you"
    The goat's alive again but lame
    One of you has harmed a bone
    One of you is bearing blame
    He will be punished, he alone"

    "I was the one I broke the leg
    My lust was just too big
    I fear there is no use to beg
    To your decision I will stick"

    "Thjalfi you will follow brave
    On each and every way
    No matter how your soul will crave
    For each and every day"

    7. What Would You Do?

    In a blackened night
    The enemies came
    Crossing the land
    With fire and steel
    They killed his tribe
    They raped his wife
    And in the end
    They killed his child
    The loss is deep, left all alone
    The pain beyond all bearing
    There is no place to call a home
    That challenge was so daring!

    What would you do if it was your child?
    Can you imagine the pain?
    But by your anger your hate you cry for vengeance!
    Thor remains your name!

    Hate flushes like a mighty stream
    Into mind and in the blood
    It gives a strength that was unseen
    He'll drown them in that flood
    Now hunt them down like prey
    Who did murder all his kin
    Riping flesh from bones today
    Rage in blood and hammerin'
    Their names will sound not anywhere
    Like Thor in rage his eyes don't care
    Forgotten all their lives will be
    And well known be his family!

    8. Utgard (The Beginning)

    "Thjalfi, move! We have to go
    Darkness comes along
    The giants hall that I do know
    Ahead it lies so tall and strong"

    "Lets have a rest, I am so weary
    In the cave I see right there"

    "I am as tired as you teary
    So we will stay, take care"
    Utgard-Loki did appear
    His glove has been the cave
    The hammer did not give him fear
    He seemed so unbelievable brave

    The hall they reached at night
    And games they played, unfair
    They used their power, all their might
    Betrayed they've been, beware

    "I will eat much more than him
    I will win this game
    Mighty eaters brought my kin
    And you will be ashamed"
    Loki ate so fast and much
    But when he reached his line
    Lohe ate the trough as such
    And all the roast so fine

    "I will run as lightning, yeah so fast
    This time I will not loose the game
    Against me anyone won't last
    Next to me he will look lame"
    So fast he ran, so swift he was
    But Hugi reached the goal, departs
    And had a minute's pause
    Bevore Thjalfi even starts

    9. Stolen Hammer

    The dawn is breaking
    Light comes bright
    On the new day now awaking
    Giants Thor will fight
    He is looking everywhere
    For his mighty crusher
    The weapon is not there
    Bringing anger to the rusher
    Thrym has stolen Mjoellnir
    He wants Freyja as a prize
    For the weapon giants fear
    Don't think this to be wise
    See the eyes of redbeard
    Filled with divine rage
    Asking Freyja as she neared
    To go into the giants cage
    But Freyja just refuse
    To be the hammers pawn
    Loki knows what trick to use
    Use brain instead of brawn

    All giants died, the hammer's home
    And Freyja is still here
    One will someday challenge him alone
    But that is not anybody near!

    Thor and Loki now disguise
    Themselves as Freyja and handmaid
    The mighty has to hide his eyes
    And both travel to their fate
    Thrym gladly hail his bride
    His pleasure was unseen
    He does not see what Thor did hide
    But had a notion of the mean
    Some things were strange to him
    And he was curious to know
    Loki swiftly starts the answering
    So the giant didn't see his foe
    A ritual shall seal the bond
    The hammer falls into the fold
    Rage breaks through and goes beyond
    Everything since days of old

    10. Lightning

    Mjoellnir flies across the sky
    And giants fall down dead
    Lightning strikes with power
    Crush them in their head
    They fear the Hammer everywhere
    The Thunder calls for death
    No living thing will harm our god
    Until the serpents' breath!
    From dark clouds fire falls to us
    A battle rages high

    Lightning, Thunder, Wind and Rain

    Hammer's crushing heads and bones
    And lightning strikes his foes
    Dark rain's washing off the blood
    While the Wind of anger blows
    So many giants flood the world
    They'll never be all gone.
    Whatever we might fear at night
    The Thundergod will battle on!
    Up the fight is going on
    Fly, goatdrawn waggon, fly!

    11. Pounding In The Night

    The lightning shines
    And rain pours on my face
    Sounds like if a giant whines
    And mighty clouds menace
    With hammer in his hand
    Thunderer will come along
    Stop the giants waste the land
    Nothing helps against the strong
    Trolls they flee away from here
    And giants tremble fast
    The hammergod rides loud and near
    No enemy does ever last

    The pounding in the night
    Is the hammer of Thor
    The pounding in the night
    That sound when it strikes

    The hammer that you faithfully
    Wear around your neck
    Will always guide you rightfully
    And surely watch your back
    The friendly redbeard is with you
    When giants block your way
    Not always easy you'll get through
    But not alone you'll stay
    Near to man and Midgard's lands
    Arise the mighty Thor
    All the places he defends
    You know they're to fight for
    Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Antish (12.11.2009)
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